

聪明的平衡常见问题解答 & 资源

聪明的平衡常见问题解答 & 资源

Why is state testing required and why is it important?

State testing is required by state law ( RCW 28.230.095)和联邦法律( 小学 and Secondary Education Act).

全州范围内的考试很重要,因为它有助于确保所有公立学校的学生接受优质教育, 不管他们在哪里上学, because they are measured to equal standards. 这些信息有助于学区和学校改进教学实践和课程,并为家庭提供有关他们的学生做得如何以及哪些地方需要额外帮助的宝贵信息.

Test results are one piece of information about how your student is doing in school. Together with report cards and other information, 测试结果可以让你知道你的学生是否会在更高的成绩、大学和职业生涯中取得成功. 10年级学生, 这些结果被华盛顿的一些社区大学用来衡量学生是否在大学水平课程的轨道上.

How are the assessments organized and how long do they take?

SBA英语/语言艺术和数学考试都是在线进行的   组织分为两个部分:


一系列的选择题和简答题,根据学生的反应,这些问题的难度可能会增加或减少, 估计需要1-2小时*.


现实世界的场景需要多个步骤的数学和语言艺术扩展写作任务, 估计需要1-2小时*.

Individual schools send specific assessment schedules to families in the spring.

*The SBA and WCAS assessments are not timed, and overall testing time will vary by student.


washington state science standards

The 华盛顿 Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS) is a test given in the spring to all 5th, 8th, and 11th grade students.  WCAS与smart Balanced在同一窗口进行在线管理,并使用相同的状态评估平台.

The WCAS measures student performance on the 新一代科学标准 (NGSS) that were adopted by our state in 2013. Learn more about the state science standards and the WCAS test.

How can I best prepare my child for the assessments?


家庭可以采取 实践测试  在家里,如果他们愿意,学生往往表现最好,当他们吃得好,休息好. 除了积极的态度和成长的心态,不需要额外的家庭准备.

实践测试 有ELA和数学课吗
培训测试 可用于科学研究

Answers to the 实践测试 are available.

How do 聪明的平衡 assessments present content differently?

平衡评估的设计要求比以前的州评估要求更复杂的思考. 例如:

  • 证据: 学生们必须超越简单的略读或仅凭个人观点回答写作提示. The assessments demand close reading and evidence-based responses.
  • 严谨: Students may not rely as much on process-of-elimination. 评估包括一些多选题,以及其他对高层次思维的要求.
  • 真实性:  It may not be enough to apply memorized formulas to a set of numbers out of context. 聪明的平衡 asks students to apply 数学 concepts to real-life situations, 通常需要多个步骤.
  • 写作: 写作现在是所有测试年级的考核标准,英语语言艺术也包括扩展写作. Even 数学 includes some short-answer 写作.

评估在网上进行. Does this change the way students take the test?

The online format means the tests can be:

  • 互动:  不仅仅是选择题, students may be asked to drag-and-drop answers, complete charts or highlight evidence.
  • 适应性: 评估 conform to ability; questions become more or less challenging for each student depending on answers.
  • 支持: The online platform offers 支持 for all students, 比如内置计算器, 笔用, 等., and more specific 住宿 for students with special needs.

How will scores be shared with families?

州公共教育监督办公室(OSPI)在9月底之前将州考试成绩的复印件邮寄给各学区, the district distributes them to schools, and schools make them available to families. 这些是分数报告,向家长展示学生在前一个春天的“更聪明的平衡”评估中的表现. Scores are posted to The Source in September

Need help interpreting your child’s scores?


更聪明的平衡分数报告将允许家庭绘制学生多年来的年级水平增长图表. Score numbers will range from about 2,000 to 3,000, with achievement levels from 1-4. 教师和社区成员最初通过使用2014年涉及300多万名学生的实地测试数据,帮助设定了这些水平.

更聪明的平衡是不同的,分数不能准确地与以前的州测试进行比较, but families may be tempted to compare them anyway, especially if a student’s proficiency level changes. Remember that scoring shifts are normal whenever more rigorous academics and their assessments are introduced; teachers and students need time to adjust. 2015年的分数被视为一个基准,将帮助我们的老师(和家庭)衡量未来的成长.

Because the assessments were new in 2015, teachers and school leaders have re-calibrated their expectations, knowing that scoring shifts are normal and teachers and students need time to adjust. For example, state officials have adjusted 毕业合格分数 to maintain the current graduation rate. 每个人都在共同努力,以确保学生的分数被公平看待,因为我们的学术期望越来越高.

How will student data be collected and shared?

对于担心如何收集和共享学生数据的家庭,请查看 OSPI Student Privacy information page.

How are ELL students and others with special needs accommodated?

该州在其常见问题页面的特殊人群标题下提供了有关特殊需要学生和英语学习者如何被容纳的更多信息 OSPI State Testing 住宿 information .

适用于ELL学生,可用  支持 可能包括:

  • portions of the 数学 和/或科学 test read aloud
  • translated glossary for 数学 and science
  • use of a bilingual dictionary on the 写作 portion of the assessment
  • Spanish translation of the 数学 and science test
  • translated test directions available in multiple languages


For students with an IEP or 504 plan, additional specific 住宿 may be available on state assessments.  Families should check in with their child’s IEP or 504 manager to discuss options.

OSPI的 Guidelines on Tool, Supports, and Accommodations has additional information on what’s permitted and recommendations for use.

What are the requirements for high school students?

所有10年级学生都将参加春季ELA和数学更聪明的平衡管理.  11th and 12th grade students may participate in order to fulfill their graduation pathway.

在华盛顿州, 通过10年级评估的学生将达到州毕业要求.  不及格的学生, additional graduation pathways will be available during the 11th and 12th grade years.

请参阅 OSPI的 State Graduation Requirements webpage for more information on graduation pathways.

Your student’s counselor can provide more information or visit OSPI的状态测试网页.

What if my child doesn’t take the assessment?

买正规足球比赛的app政策2080承认家长/监护人有权被告知所有州和地区规定的学生评估, including objectives and educational benefits, rights of refusal and effects of non-participation, and to receive the results from these assessments in a timely manner. 家长/监护人如有兴趣拒绝参加,请向学校校长查询详情.

Additional refusal details and implications:

  • 拒绝请求的有效期为 一学年. If you want to refuse participation in any assessment, you will need to re-submit the form 每年.
  • 学校 are required to have at least 95 percent 聪明的平衡 participation.
  • Students who do not participate will receive a “zero” score on the assessment, 被认为是不熟练的, and no score report will be provided for teachers or families to view.
  • 教师将无法获得原本可以用作衡量学生学业成长的工具的成绩, 例如, in the core academic areas of reading, 写作, 数学, 和/或科学.
  • 家庭将无法获得能够让他们描绘出学生成长轨迹的结果.
  • 更智能的平衡评估被用来衡量高能力和高级学习者(HC)&AL) eligibility for all students in grades 4-8. 这个评估, within a “multiple criteria of evidence”, will be used in the identification and eligibility process. 参与智能平衡评估增加了学生对HC和AL服务需求的整体图景,SPS鼓励所有学生参与. 如果学生和家庭决定不参加更聪明的平衡评估, 你的学生仍然会被认为有资格参加高能力和高级学习者项目.