

Summary: Career and technical education prioritizes preparing students with learning that begins with exploration of career 选项.


February is Career and Technical Education Month, but many students don’t know the benefits 

When seniors Ashleigh 英格拉 and Sophia Waldow first heard about the culinary class at 西西雅图 高中, neither of them were even high schoolers. Both students had attended events where 西西雅图 High had provided catering services. They were amazed by the quality of the food and even more so when they learned the food was prepared by a class at the school. There was just enough intrigue for both girls to sign up to take culinary classes. 

“I’ve always had an interest in cooking, so I [thought] this was a good opportunity,” 英格拉 said. “Not many schools offer culinary.”


The culinary classes at 西西雅图 高中 are part of the district’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) curriculum. CTE exposes students to real-life job experience through classes that focus on strengthening their technical skills and knowledge through hands-on learning. It also engages and prepares students with the skills they need for fulfilling careers in vital, in-demand industries and occupations. 

CTE broadens career choices for students, supports and promotes high quality instruction, and ensures that every secondary school has a range of CTE offerings for students, 包括先进 西雅图技能中心 选项.

正规买足球的App offers CTE classes in these areas: 

  • 农业科学 
  • 艺术,设计和图形 
  • 商业及市场推广 
  • 烹饪与招待 
  • Education and Human Services  
  • 卫生及医疗 
  • 信息技术  
  • 熟练的交易 
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) 

Classes that fall under these categories may not seem as important when stacked up against math and language arts, but these courses are designed to give students the opportunity to grow both personally and professionally through internships and career connected learning. All students will need to take CTE courses to graduate. 

Many CTE courses provide students with the potential to earn high school and college credit at the same time. Dual credit 选项 can be earned by completing a CTE course or passing an exam. Earning dual credit in high school is connected to higher high school graduation rates, 大学正规买足球的App, 完成学位.   

Students in a computer science class work on a project


CTE prioritizes preparing students with learning that begins with exploration of career 选项. This opens their minds to a world of possibilities and helps students see themselves in professional spaces.  

CTE courses continue to evolve. In the past, CTE classes were designed for students who were not keen on going to college. Skills-based classes allowed students the chance to learn a trade without the pressures of earning a degree. 现在, CTE classes offer students the opportunity to “try on” a career as they learn about the field – and prepare them for college at the same time. 

Linda Filley-Bentler is a CTE Teacher and 职业关联学习 Coordinator at Chief Sealth International 高中. 职业关联学习 brings the world of work to the classroom. Filley Bentler recently took her class to visit the Amazon 技术中心 where students met with members of Amazon’s Web Services team.  

“One of my goals is to … get us out of our high school building into industries, 到经验, so they can learn more about career paths,”她说。.  

For students and families who want to explore CTE courses, reach out to your school counselor. 找到更多的 关于CTE的信息

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